Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Practicing Summary & Paraphrase

In this post I will be practicing paraphrasing and practicing summarizing a portion of text that is relevant to my claim. The portion of text comes from my article, "Why Doctors are Sick of Their Profession".

Gandy, Dave. "Summary Icon". 4/1/2015. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unreported.

Original Source

"It could be just a midlife crisis, but it occurs to me that my profession is in a sort of midlife crisis of its own. In the past four decades, American doctors have lost the status they used to enjoy. In the mid-20th century, physicians were the pillars of any community. If you were smart and sincere and ambitious, at the top of your class, there was nothing nobler or more rewarding that you could aspire to become."

My Paraphrased of Original Source

Johanna explains how his profession has lost its values in the last century. people in his profession have lost their "status". He claims that his profession was a "pillar" of any community and how only in the past did the "smart", "sincere" and "ambitious" have their eyes on  becoming a doctor, unlike today.

My Summary of Original Source

The doctoral profession has taken a turn for the worst in the last century. People in this profession don't get quite as much respect and are not quite as rewarded as the used to be. Becoming a doctor used to be held in the highest esteem but these days it has lost its praise.

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