Thursday, October 15, 2015

Punctuation, Part 1

In this blog post I will be reviewing what I have learned about punctuation in the Rules For Writers textbook.

Geralt. "Question". 2014. Public Domain.
In my writing I believe that I tend to usually leave commas out because I always fear that I will misuse them. Instead I break up the sentence into two and avoid using commas. The problem is that I tend to get shorter sentences which isn't always the most ideal. I learned that my writing could benefit if I started using commas in my sentences, but use them correctly.

Unnecessary Commas
This is part of the reason that I try to avoid the use of commas. I always learned that "when in doubt leave it out". I don't always follow this rule and sometimes it causes me to misuse the comma. After reading this section from the textbook I learned several things about the use of commas. One thing that I learned from the book was how you should not use a comma after a phrase that begins with an inverted sentence.

The semicolon always confused me. I never really knew when to use it because I was always confused as to why you wouldn't just use a period. I can't remember the last time that I used a semicolon in my writing which probably means that I'm not using them when I should. the most important thing that I learned after reading the textbook was that you are supposed to use a semicolon before you use a transitional phrase.

I found it hard to use semicolons because I never know whether or not I should start a new sentence or use a semicolon. In his first sentence, Brandon uses a semicolon. He uses the semicolon and then follows it by a transitional phrase just like the book advises. 

  • "The breakthrough in the human DNA code has been declared a human triumph; yet, many perceive this science as the precursor to medical inequality, and in many cases,a race for genetic superiority"

In Mehruba's post she correctly uses a comma. I know that may seem silly but a lot of people misuse commas or use way to many. I find that I tend to not use a lot of commas because I am afraid of misusing them.

  • "Without properly using these strategies, both arguments would have quickly fallen apart."

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