Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Reflection on Project 2

In this post I will be reflecting on my essay from project 2.

Prabhu B. "Tso kiagar lake Ladakh". 7/19/2007. Creative Commons.

  1. I specifically revised the whole introduction and the conclusion. I did so while following the the guidelines for writing conclusions and introductions from the textbook. I also slightly revised the body paragraphs by rearranging them so that the ideas link better. And of course I did my best to fix all grammar and spelling issues.
  2. I changed my thesis around because I felt that it didn't address the rubric as well as it could have. I made sure that I added in the words ethos, pathos and logos. I wanted to make sure that my essay would make arguments that addressed the thesis exactly. I did my best to rearrange the essay so that it is more organized and so that the ideas flowed better throughout the entire paper.
  3. After reading my peer review and reading the essay prompt I realized that I should probably be more specific and include the words ethos, pathos and logos. 
  4. I think that they only add to my credibility because it shows that I have more knowledge of rhetoric if I include names to specific rhetorical strategies.
  5. I think that rearranging my essay so that it is more organized and flows better makes it easier for my audience.
  6. I tried to make sure that my sentences were structured well and that all of the grammar was correct. I tried to structure my tone so that it made me appear the most credible to my audience.
  7. I tried to structure my sentences so that it would appeal mostly to my audience. I think that after I did this it made it easier for my audience to understand my purpose.
  8. I definitely had to reconsider the conventions for the genre that I was writing in. The whole time I was writing I tried to make sure that I was writing within the conventions and the project rubric.
  9. Reflection helps me as a writer because it brings out the true writer within me. It made me realize some things that I did that I didn't realize I did before I reflected.

JayniNick and I all seemed to do the most revision to the same areas of our essays. All of us revised the introduction and the conclusion the most. Along with Jayni, I feel that these are some of the hardest parts of an essay to write because they provide the first and lasting impressions. I revised these parts so heavily to make sure that they completely address the rubric for this project.


  1. My revision process was similar to yours. I totally redid my intro and conclusion. Even though it was an assigned blog post, I don't think my original was nearly as strong as the revised. Adding "ethos", "pathos", and "logos" into the thesis is not some thing that I did. I used synonyms that related the paragraphs back to the thesis but I think it would have been better to do what you did.

  2. My revision process was similar to yours. I totally redid my intro and conclusion. Even though it was an assigned blog post, I don't think my original was nearly as strong as the revised. Adding "ethos", "pathos", and "logos" into the thesis is not some thing that I did. I used synonyms that related the paragraphs back to the thesis but I think it would have been better to do what you did.
