Saturday, October 17, 2015

Revised Conclusion

In this blog post I will be throwing out my old conclusion and rewriting it completely. I will be using the Rules For Writers textbook as a guide for how to construct a successful conclusion.

Center for Scientific review. "Scientific Review". 8/22/2005. Public Domain.
I feel that my new conclusion is much more effective because it goes beyond simply summarizing the points that I made earlier in my essay. Using the textbook as a guide I developed my conclusion off the question "So what?". I also like the way that I incorporated some evidence to support my claim about why it is important. I also think that the quote I used at the end helps address the larger issues of the article.

My Old Conclusion
Dr. Sandeep Jauhar uses several different rhetorical strategies in his article about the struggles of being a doctor in this day and age. He implements a particular tone in his writing to appeal to a certain audience that he has in mind. He creates the attitude of his piece by carefully choosing his diction. By doing so he creates validity in his claims and manipulates the reader into believing his claims are true. He then implements the use of statistics in his writing to appeal to the readers logic and emotions. His article was ultimately effective in presenting his claim that doctoring is no longer the same job that it used to be. He wants to get to the deeper meaning that people should do something that they truly love. Becoming a physician once provided him that joy but recently has digressed from what he really liked. many people will still pursue the medical profession because of the payout but as it was once said, "Do something you love and you will never work a day in your life".

My Revised Conclusion
Jauhar's article was ultimately effective in presenting his claim that doctoring is no longer the same job that it used to be. Through implementing these rhetorical strategies he is able to provide information that can benefit students and help determine the right direction some students should take later in life. Had he not been effective in implementing rhetorical strategies some students would ignore his arguments and proceed to medical school only to find themselves in a place where they don't want to be. Jauhar and 94% of other physicians are examples of why not everyone is suited for the medical field. He presents these arguments successfully so that the many prospective medical students don't make the same mistake as he did. Yet, many people will chase this job because of the paycheck but Jauhar wants to get at the bigger picture that if you "do something you love you will never work a day in your life."

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