Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Reflection on Open Letter Draft

In this blog post I will be reflecting on the peer feedback that I received on my Open letter draft.

Oregon's Mt. Hood Territory. "Mount Hood reflected in Mirror Lake, Oregon" Public Domain Dedication.

I peer reviewed Jayni and Nick's draft.

From what I have learned based off of what other students have expressed, we all seem to be in the same boat. Most of us were somewhat taken aback by this english class because it was so much different from the english classes that we were used to taking even though everyone had a different experience with english in the past. The heavy workload and writing in many different genres was new for me and I'm not alone. Along with me, I would say that the majority of people are procrastinators like myself, although there are differing severities. This course has helped me fight against the urge to procrastinate due to the structure of the coursework and from what I have heard others have benefitted as well.

1. Did you demonstrate an ability to think about your writing and yourself as a writer? 

Yes. In my Open Letter Draft I provided a backbone of ideas to elaborate on. In my draft I talked about several things that I think of my own writing style but in my final I will try to become more specific about the things that I have done this year in term of myself as a writer.
2. Did you provide analysis of your experiences, writing assignments, or concepts you have learned?

I think that I did provide analysis of my own experiences in the class. I provided examples of certain assignment that were assigned throughout the year and I talked about how I approached them at the beginning of the year vs how I changed and improved by the end of the year.
3. Did you provide concrete examples from your own writing (either quotes from your writing or rich descriptions of your writing process)? 

I did provide examples of my own writing to support the claims that I made throughout the letter. I did not quote myself or give very specific examples however and this is where I can improve my letter.
4. Did you explain why you made certain choices and whether those choices were effective?

I did explain why some of the choices that I made were made. The main reason being that in the past I wasn't successful in certain aspects of writing so I made a choice to try to change that.
5. Did you use specific terms and concepts relating to writing and the writing process? 

I did use at least one specific term that relates to writing and that was genre. I specifically talked about how we observed genre this year and how what I have learned from doing so will help me in my future endeavors.

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