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Rotatebot. "Knee Replacement". 3/12/2007. Public Domain. |
Fithian, D. “Controversy continues about whether ACL
surgery leads to OA”. Healio. http://www.healio.com/orthopedics/arthritis/news/print/orthopaedics-today-europe/%7Bd7f3e367-65e1-48ff-9f83-9be3859b6793%7D/controversy-continues-about-whether-acl-surgery-leads-to-oa
This article is concerned with whether or not ACL
surgery is related to the onset of osteoarthritis. It is a controversy because
it is not known yet whether or not ACL reconstruction truly causes OA to occur. It is mentioned that there are a large amount of people who develop OA who have also undergone ACL surgery. I plan to use this article as a way to familiarize my audience with the negatives associated with knee replacement.
Wong, J. “Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture and Osteoarthritis
Progression”. National Center for Biotechnology Information. 2012. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3415702/
This article mainly talks about the negative side effects of
post ACL reconstruction. One of the possible side effects that was listed was
the onset of OA. This article reviews data to conclude whether or not osteoarthritis progression occurs in ACL patients. this article points out post ACL reconstruction consequences, mainly focussing on OA. I plan to use this article to support one side of the debate at hand.
Frank, CB. “Osteoarthritis develops in the operated
joint of an ovine model following ACL reconstruction with immediate anatomic
reattachment of the native ACL”. Journal for Orthopedic Research. 2013. http://www.researchgate.net/publication/229161203_Osteoarthritis_develops_in_the_operated_joint_of_an_ovine_model_following_ACL_reconstruction_with_immediate_anatomic_reattachment_of_the_native_ACL
This article is a scholarly report that records the
findings of an experiment that was done to find if there is a correlation
between ACL reconstructive surgery and the OA. They tested sheep and concluded on a
slight correlation between the two. I will use this research as evidence to support that ACL injury and OA are related.
Frank, CB. “Complete ACL/MCL deficiency induces
variable degrees of instability in sheep with specific kinematic abnormalities
correlating with degrees of early osteoarthritis”. Journal of Orthopedic Research. 2012. http://www.researchgate.net/publication/51635235_Complete_ACLMCL_deficiency_induces_variable_degrees_of_instability_in_sheep_with_specific_kinematic_abnormalities_correlating_with_degrees_of_early_osteoarthritis
This is also a scholarly report that summarizes an experiment that took place with sheep and ACL reconstruction. They state that not everyone who undergoes a knee replacement develops OA, however they speculate that there is a relationship between the two. A team of MD's tested this to find if there was actually a correlation between the two and reported their statistical findings in the article. I plan to use this article as means of data to support on side of the debate.
This twitter
post was stating some facts about the correlation between people who have had
ACL surgery and get OA later. It says that in the long term there is a high
risk of contracting getting OA if you had an ACL surgery in the past. I plan to use this as evidence of one persons opinion on the matter at hand.
ArthritisNY. Twitter. 2012. https://twitter.com/ArthritisNY
This is a twitter post is a warning that tearing
your ACL increases your risk of OA. They suggest that we should implement more
research because there isn’t enough research on the subject in the current
time. I plan to use this to show how OA and ACL injuries are related.
AMA Reference: http://library.nymc.edu/informatics/amastyle.cfm
Example of AMA citation: http://bastyr.libguides.com/icstutorial1-3/UsingCitations
I looked at Kelly's Bibliography because she has the same style that I do. She did her bibliography in a very professional way and it makes mine look bad. It was nice to see someone else writing in the AMA style because now I have a somewhat of a confirmation as to whether or not I am doing it right. I looked at Nick's Bibliography in ASME style and noticed that a lot of the bibliographies share similarities. I feel as if I have done well on my Bibliography because it shares a lot of qualities with the other styles that I see. Next I looked at
MayoClinic. Youtube. 2013. “ACL Injuries &Osteoarthritis:
Mayo Clinic Joins Arthritis Foundation Study”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6x_zGpHtD0Y
In this video, we see an MD talk about the seriousness and potential
side effects related knee replacement. He speaks of a plan to join forces with
the Arthritis Foundation in order to find data linking knee replacement and OA
together. I will use this in my essay as evidence to support the fact that
there is a problem with knee replacement.
Straus, L. “ACL
Reconstruction Surgery Puts At Greater Risk Of Osteoarthritis Later in Life,
Say Researchers”. Moms Team. 2014. http://www.momsteam.com/health-safety/acl-reconstruction-surgery-puts-at-greater-risk-osteoarthritis-later-in-life-say-reseachers-at-AOSSM-2014
This article
talks about how ACL injuries are very prevalent in young kids that are heavily
involved in sports. It also talks about how the ACL reconstruction is not the
only problem that has to be addressed. This article refers to researchers who
say that people who receive surgery are at a high risk of developing OA later
in life.
Lapidos, J. “No Ligaments, No Problem”. Slate. 2009. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/explainer/2009/11/no_ligaments_no_problem.html
This article talks about a living man who plays in the NBA
all while not having an ACL in either leg. It talks about some of the downsides
of his conditions and it mentions that he has an increases risk of OA due to
his surgeries. I will use this to show that there are a lot of potential
negatives regarding knee surgery.
Stone, R. “Knee Injury? Take Care of All Your Knee Ligaments”. Huffington Post. 2015. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kevin-r-stone-md/knee-injuries_b_7086646.html
This article addresses the downsides of injuring your knee. It
talks about all aspects of you knee, not only the ACL. Stone reflects on the
long term as well as the short term consequences of hurting your knee. I will
use this in my essay to prove that knee replacement doesn’t mean you will be
back to 100%.
AMA Reference: http://library.nymc.edu/informatics/amastyle.cfm
Example of AMA citation: http://bastyr.libguides.com/icstutorial1-3/UsingCitations
I looked at Kelly's Bibliography because she has the same style that I do. She did her bibliography in a very professional way and it makes mine look bad. It was nice to see someone else writing in the AMA style because now I have a somewhat of a confirmation as to whether or not I am doing it right. I looked at Nick's Bibliography in ASME style and noticed that a lot of the bibliographies share similarities. I feel as if I have done well on my Bibliography because it shares a lot of qualities with the other styles that I see. Next I looked at
We have a similar citation style as I am a physiology major. It appears as you've cited everything correctly. One thing I might suggest is changing the color of your font, though. Gray on gray is a bit hard to see. I had to highlight all your text to view it correctly. Everything else looks good though!