Friday, September 25, 2015

Reflection on Project 1

In the blog below I will discuss several questions about my first project, a Quick Reference Guide.

Cortega9. "Blog". 8/25/2008. Public Domain.

What challenges did you face during the Quick Reference Guide project and how did you deal with them?
I seemed to have a lot of trouble including all of the information into my QRG. My controversy is a very broad debate with mass amounts of research and information. To help include as much information into my QRG, I hyperlinked as many websites as I could. I still think that I fell short of including all of the articles and information into my QRG.

What successes did you experience on the project and how did they happen?
I think I was successful in organizing my QRG so that it is easy for the reader. I found there to be many aspects and subtopics of the debate. To include these aspects I created many subtitles that addressed the topic directly and was able to include information successfully into each topic. 

What kinds of arguments, rhetorical strategies, design choices and writing practices did you find the most effective for your project? Why?
As I said in the question above I feel like using the subtitles was very effective. The design choice of using subtitles was very effective in my project. I found that it was very easy to separate out the information using subtitles, rather than trying to figure out how to present the information chronologically. 

What kinds of arguments, rhetorical strategies, design choices and writing practices did you find were not effective for your project? Why?
Earlier in my blog I wrote about my writing style. I talked about how I am a big procrastinator and therefore leave myself with little time to revise. Unfortunately, revision of my essay was not a very effective part of my project. 

How was the writing process for this project similar to other school writing experiences you’ve had in the past?
One thing that I think remains constant in all of the writing that I have done in the past is researching the field before you begin writing. Just like previous school writing experiences I was forced to do research before drafting my paper.

How was the writing process for this project different from other school writing experiences you’ve had in the past?
This writing process was different from a lot of other experiences that I have had because it required me to write in a completely different style and format than I am used to. I have never written a QRG before. Most of the writing I have done up to this level has been persuasive so it was very different writing a paper where I do not express my own opinions.

Would any of the skills you practiced for this project be useful in your other coursework? Why or why not?
I think that writing these blog posts and creating a QRG will help in the future in this class. There is a lot of blogging required in this class and I think that the experience that I gathered doing this project will help me moving forward in this class.

I looked at Savannah's "Reflection on Project 1" post and found that I can relate but also not relate to her findings. I feel like revision is my biggest downfall and is a very ineffective aspect of my writing, however Savannah feels that it is extremely helpful for her. I looked at Isabel's blog next and found that she had trouble finding information on her topic. I could not relate to this because there were many articles regarding my subject. I did agree with her in that it was different writing a paper without being able to express your own opinion.


  1. Hey Carter!

    I have to say that I completely agree with you on what you said about organization for the QRG. I found the sectioning and subtitling to be incredibly useful in structuring my writing, which was also a good sign since that is mostly for the readers' benefit and thus it'll work for them too.

    Also, don't stress about not including all the information on the topic. If you have a broad, mainstream topic you can't hope include it all, and that's why your QRG should be "Quick," because you only need enough information to give the reader a solid understanding.

    I also thought that the format of the assignment was one of the most different aspects this assignment had.

    Thanks for the read, and congratulations on completing your QRG!

  2. Hi,
    I agree that subtitles helped make the essay much easier for the reader to understand. I think the subtitles did a great job forcing me to stay on topic, as in my writing I struggle with losing the main point. Also, I really liked the point you made about persuasive essays. In high school I wrote mainly opinionated essays, and it was weird to exclude almost all opinions from the QRG.
