Tuesday, September 1, 2015

My Writing Process

Everyone has their very own and unique style of writing. When it comes to literary techniques, everyone implements them in various ways that are strictly unique. However, when it comes to planning out your paper you can categorize the writing style into four main techniques.

I am sure that I don’t deviate from the majority of the world when I say that I am a heavy procrastinator when it comes to writing. Writing is a difficult feat for me, merely getting all of my thoughts onto the paper is a success. I find it hard to know exactly what I am going to say straight from the get-go, and because of this I seem to procrastinate.

I am not strictly a procrastinator. I would say my writing composes of procrastination and heavy planning. I think that these two styles go hand in hand, especially in my case. I seem to spend a lot of time formulating my thoughts on the subject and then far too long after I should have started, I start.

In general, I would say that my writing style is successful. However, it depends on how one would define success. If we’re talking about strictly being able to finish my assignment and receive a decent grade on it, I would say that my writing style is successful. If we’re talking about having success in terms of creating a moving piece of writing that meets my potential, I would say that my writing is not successful. My two biggest weaknesses would be that I tend to poorly outline my writing and I also seem to get easily distracted. Even though I do spend a decent amount of time planning my writing, it doesn’t always end up on the paper in an orderly and concise manner.

Browne, Henriette."A Girl Writing, The Pet Goldfinch" 1874. Public Domain. 

My writing style certainly suffers in certain aspects. If I were to change my writing style I believe that I could successfully eliminate some of the flaws that exist with my writing. One of the things that I could try, which I believe would help, would be the implementation of heavy revision. I often see my writing as unorganized triggering it to be less powerful and compelling. Revision could prove to be beneficial in my case in order to reorganize my thoughts.


  1. After having been in college for a few months and knowing the work load that you have, do you still procrastinate as much or has that aspect of your writing lessened? Has the process work for this course (blog posts, peer review) helped you more with your planning process? Has peer review specifically helped you with your revision process in a way that has helped you organize your thoughts?

  2. Yes I do still procrastinate and I think its something that I will always do just because thats me. As far as the coursework helping me, I think that it does in a way help because it forces me to start the writing process. Peer review has helped me but not specifically with the organization of my thoughts.
