Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thoughts on Drafting

I found the book to be really helpful in providing advise for drafting. Below I will discuss its helpfulness.

McPhee, Nic. "Editing a Paper". 1/26/2008. Public Domain.

What parts of the book’s advice on the above bulleted topics are helpful for writing in this genre?

There were topics that the book gave advice on that I believe helped me write my QRG. The first was their advice on drafting a thesis. The book helped explain that the thesis should remain interesting and concise and only catch the key points for the convenience of your reader. The next was the opening paragraph. The book explained how the introduction should be broad, but lead the reader into you paper so that they have an idea of what it will be about without giving away all the major points. Lastly the book was helpful in describing how to draft a conclusion. It states that the conclusion should be a summary of your piece and should highlight only the key points of you paper.

What parts of the book’s advice on these topics might not be so helpful, considering the genre you’re writing in?

I feel that the book gave two suggestions in writing that are not the most helpful. The first thing that I felt was not very helpful was their suggestion to write in PIE format. I did not find this helpful because writing in the PIE format is not appropriate for the formatting of a QRG. The second thing that I felt was unhelpful was the emphasis on organization. I feel like organization is not extremely important when it comes to a QRG because a QRG should have subtitles that help the reader navigate through the text.

Isabel talked about two main things that I agree with. She talked about the importance of the introduction and the importance of the conclusion. I agree with her thoughts on an introduction because I feel like the reader needs to be told a brief overview of what the article consists of. I also read Jayni's post. Along with Isabel and I, Jayni feels like there is an importance to giving a brief review of the article at the end. I think this is beneficial because information can be forgotten and a conclusion paragraph can help refresh the readers mind.

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