Friday, October 30, 2015

Considering Types

In this blog post I will be explaining which types of argument I am considering for my public argument.

Steen, Jan. "Steen Argument Over A Card Game". 2/29/2009. Public Domain.
For my project I am considering using an evaluative and proposal type argument. I think that an evaluative type of argument would work with my controversy because it would allow me to evaluate the problem at hand. I could evaluate how doctors are having trouble enjoying their jobs and express the reasons why. However, I think that a proposal type argument would fit my controversy much better. There is already a problem at hand, the fact that doctors are miserable in their workplace. I would address this problem and show that it truly is a problem by adding statistics and expert opinion to support my claim. After I addressed the problem, I would then state ways that an unhappy environment in the medical field could be prevented.

Action Plan: Kelly and Jayni both had very nice action plans. They were both very extensive and addressed all of the points that they needed to. I think that they are similar to my action plan in that sense, however I think that our plans do differ in one major aspect. My controversy doesn't require me to give a lot of background information but both Kelly and Jayni would benefit greatly by providing background information, otherwise their arguments would fail.

Considering Types: Jayni and Kelly both were considering using argument types that are much different that mine. I think that the rout that I wish to go is more or less the road less traveled. The proposal type argument seems to be the least popular amongst the students that I looked at. Jayni and Kelly seem to both be looking in the direction of a position type argument.

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