Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Project 2 Outline

In this post I will be presenting a detailed outline of my essay which is based off the article, "Why Doctors are Sick of Their Profession".

Toyosaki, Tom. "Wineglass Model for IMRAD Structure". 4/20/2015. Creative Commons Atribution-share Alike 4.0 International.
When I was developing my outline I tried to keep several pointers from the Writing Public Lives advice box. I felt that it was very important to go "to go beyond simply stating the strategy that they address" (Minnix 124). To go beyond just stating the strategy I tried to add a question to be answered in my actually essay that will address the reasons that they used the particular strategy. Next I found it to be particularly important to "back up your focus or supporting arguments"(124). I think that this is essential in writing an essay because it adds credibility and strengthens the argument. I also think it is particularly important to "Draw strong conclusions in your paragraphs" (124). Just presenting the arguments isn't enough, thats why we need conclusions so that we can tie everything together and explain exactly why these arguments are relevant and important.


  • Background Information
  • Here I would talk about the requirements to become a a doctor and the idea that it is one of the noblest jobs you can have. 
  • Thesis
  • "Sandeep Jauhar, MD speaks to a greater audience of prospective medical students about his own experiences in the medical field. Using diction and tone to express his heavily opinionated thoughts Jauhar discusses why becoming a doctor was not a great decision. He backs up his opinions by using statistics and expert opinion to appeal to the readers logical thinking."
  • I think this is a good starting point for my essay. It addresses everything that I want it to so I think it will be a good thesis for my essay. 

    Body paragraph 1 (may split into two paragraphs)

    • Author
    • Here I want to present some information regarding the author. He has written two books and is currently a practicing physician. A little more information would help determine his credibility.
    • "Dr. Jauhar is director of the Heart Failure Program at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center. This essay is adapted from his new book, "Doctored: The Disillusionment of an American Physician," published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux." 
    • Audience
    • I want to make sure that the reader of my essay knows who this article was directed to.
    • Quotes pulled directly from article supporting who the article is directed to. 
    • Who is this article directed at? 
    • Purpose
    • Why is the author writing this article?

    • Conclude
    • End this paragraph by addressing how an argument can be much stronger if you design it specifically for the right audience. I would also include how these appeal to Credibility (Ethos).

    Body Paragraph 2

    • Diction
    • Here I would talk about the key words the Author used throughout the article.
    • Negative word choice to make the reader feel a negative vibe. 
    • How does this relate to the point he is trying to get across? 
    • Tone
    • Here I would talk about the negative tone that the author implements to persuade the audience.
    • How does this relate to the authors purpose? 
    • Conclude
    • I would end the paragraph by talking about how the author is able to manipulate the reader by carefully choosing his wording as well as setting the tone of the paper. Also I would talk about how these devices appeal to the emotions (Pathos).

    Body paragraph 3

    • Statistics
    • Present the authors opinion and validate it with statistics
    •  Example: Doctors don't like their jobs.
    • "In a survey of 12,000 physicians, only 6% described their morale as positive."
    • Expert Opinion
    • Author brings in other opinions
    • How does that make his argument stronger?
    •  Brings in the opinions of other doctors
    • "I wouldn't do it again, and it has nothing to do with the money. I get too little respect from patients..." 
    • Conclude
    • I would end this paragraph with something about how the addition of statistics and expert opinions strengthens his argument. I would also end with how this appeals to logic (Logos) and emotions (Pathos).


    • Jauhar's successful use of mostly all of the rhetorical strategies in his paper.
    • Becoming a physician is not for everyone.
    • People think that it is the best job and will pursue it at all costs even if they do not truly enjoy what they are doing because of the money.
    • Globalize my argument in some way.
    • Make a closing note that becoming a physician is not for everyone. 
    • "Do something you love and you will never work a day in your life"

    Savanna's post was very good. Her outline was much more organized than mine however I don't think that that necessarily makes her strategy better than mine. I think that for me I prefer to construct my essay freely and decide the direction that I want to go as the words flow onto the paper. I think that in my case an outline helps but I tried to stay away from an overly organized and strict version of an outline to allow myself some freedom when I decide to draft my essay. Dylan's outline was a little more similar to mine. His was more vague than Savannah's was and I relate better to his style. I prefer to be vague in my outlines to give me creative freedom so I'm glad that I am not the only one who writes in the same way.


    1. First off, your outline is very thorough! You did a really good job at getting all your points across and effectively outlining your essays but keeping everything brief. I like how you focus on specific aspects of rhetorical strategy rather than trying to spread yourself thin and cover all of them. So far, I think you have a really good start and should be able to easily transition into the essay writing phase!
      Ayra Sabir

    2. Hi,
      I thought your outline was really easy to follow and I liked that you had a very clear breakdown to what information you would include in each paragraph. I did notice that our approach to the outlines were very different. In mine I tried to include the sentences I was going to include in my actual draft, whereas I think you used your outline more to plan what kind of information you would write. Overall, I think both of our approaches are effective, and I hope it helped you in writing your draft.
