Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Draft Thesis Statements

In this post I will be creating two rhetorical analysis thesis statements on my article, "Why Doctors are Sick of Their Profession".

Koslowski, Roger. "Typeface-Thesis". 12/2006. GNU Free Documentation License.

Sandeep Jauhar is the author of this article. He is a doctor who writes about his own accounts and experiences in his field. He is also the author of two books.


The audience of this article could be very broad however I believe that he is mainly targeting people who wish to enter the medical field in the future. 

He is trying to disprove how the preconceived notion that becoming a doctor is one of the noblest jobs in our society.

Ethos Appeal
Word choice

Pathos Appeal
Repetition of key words

Logos Appeal
Expert opinion


"Sandeep Jauhar, MD speaks to a greater audience of prospective medical students about his own experiences in the medical field. Using diction and tone to express his heavily opinionated thoughts Jauhar discusses why becoming a doctor was not a great decision. He backs up his opinions by using statistics and expert opinion to appeal to the readers logical thinking."

  • I think that it would be easy to transition into writing an essay based of this thesis. I feel like there is certainly a lot that I could write about that relates back to this thesis. My only concern is that the thesis sounds choppy. I found that it was hard to create a working thesis that contained all the information I wanted to present all in one flowing sentence. I had to split up the thesis into 3 different sentences and I don't know if this is necessarily a bad thing or not.

"Sandeep Jauhar, MD words his own opinions on accounts in his profession using diction and tone to enhance the effect. He supports his opinions with logic by providing statistics and expert opinions on the subject. He does all of this to target young prospective doctors to persuade and inform them that becoming a doctor is not what they may think it is."

  • I think it would be easy to write off of this thesis because I can easily bring in some of the rhetorical strategies that Jauhar used throughout the article because I have mentioned them in the thesis.

Morgan's post had two really well constructed thesis. I think that she will not have a lot of trouble constructing her essay based off of either of the theses that she provided. I think that her construction was similar to that of mine which is a good sign that I am heading the right direction and am not on my own. Jayni talked about how she was able to meet all the requirements needed for the rhetoric situation however she struggled to see the direction her essay would head and what she would be writing about. I think that my theses do a good job of pointing my essay in the direction that I want to go and because of this I feel like I won't have much trouble writing a couple pages.


  1. Both thesis statements seem to be effective. To conform to the rhetorical analysis genre I think it would be an improvement to add whether or not you think his argument is effective. This determination is based on your analysis of each of the rhetorical strategies you listed. My example article is also focused on logos and ethos.

  2. I like that you include specific strategies and what the author was trying to do with them in your thesis, but I think you need to use those strategies to assess his effectiveness in getting his message across as that is the main point of this rhetorical analysis we are doing. Overall they were well developed though, good job!
