Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Punctuation, Part 2

In this blog post I will be discussing three different punctuation topics and then providing examples of them in my essay.

Whytock, Ken. "Punctuation Saved Grangma's Life". 3/3/2014. Creative Commons.

After reviewing three new punctuation topics I didn't really find anything that was that exciting. I know in general when and when to not use a particular punctuation point. However, I did learn that you should avoid using the dash because if it is overused it can create a choppy effect in your writing.

Here are two punctuation errors from my essay draft.

  • "...was a physics student from the University of California Berkeley and is currently a practicing cardiologist..."
I found that in this particular sentence I need to add a comma after the word "Berkeley" to keep with the conjunction rules for writing. I also need to add a dash in-between California and Berkeley.

  • "He uses quotes such as, “What happens when doctors are unhappy? They have unhappy patients.” to directly address the problem..."
I noticed that in this excerpt, the quote that I use ends with a period when it should end with a comma or an ellipsis.

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